
Searching for Jewellery! and birthday shopping

There are so many wonderful things on Etsy, and I'm looking for something for my sister's birthday. Does anyone have any really great jewellery shops that they can recommend? It can be your own or someone else's so long as the stuff is good! I love brass and bronze and vintage looking pieces especially.

I might even buy a couple of pieces for myself, as it's my birthday next week and my boyfriend is letting me shop!


First Light Glass said...

I would love for you to look at my shop! I have fused glass. Here are just a couple that might work:


Thanks for looking!

Bonzai Beadwear said...

Hi there Handwritten! My shop sells jewelry and some beaded home goods, if you have a chance to visit! :)

Unknown said...

I would love to have you visit my shop. I even have a 50% off sale in progress.

littlewishes said...

Hi! I'm having a huge end-of-summer sale right now. If anything strikes your fancy, now's the time to shop! :o)


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